Subject librarians support research and learning through education, collaboration, collection development, and engagement with users to achieve scholarly and academic success.
Subject | Liaison Librarian |
Accounting |
American History |
Art (Visual) |
Biology |
Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Communication |
Communication Disorders and Special Education |
Community & Environmental Health |
Company & Industry |
Computer Science |
Counseling and Human Services |
Criminal Justice |
Cybersecurity | |
Dental Hygiene |
Economics |
Education (Teaching & Learning) |
Engineering |
Entrepreneurship |
European History |
Fashion Merchandising |
Finance |
Geography |
History |
Human Movement Sciences |
International Studies |
Journalism |
Latin American History |
Library and Information Studies |
Linguistics |
Literature |
Management |
Marketing |
Marketing & Technology Education |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Medical Diagnostic and Translational Sciences |
Music |
Nuclear Medicine |
Nurse Anesthesia |
Nursing |
Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences |
Park, Recreation & Tourism Studies |
Philosophy and Religion |
Physics and Astronomy |
Political Science |
Psychology |
Public Administration |
Rehabilitation Sciences (PT/AT) |
Sociology |
Theater Arts & Dance |
Therapeutic Recreation |
Women's Studies |
Writing Studies & Rhetoric |
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