Graduate Fellowships

The Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship Awards are granted annually to women pursuing graduate degrees in aerospace-related science and aerospace-related engineering. Awards must be used for a course study leading to a graduate degree (MS/Ph.D.) For more information contact the Zonta International Foundation at 312-930-5848.

The American Concrete Institute Fellowships are offered to graduate students pursuing a degree in engineering, architectural, or materials science. The applicants must attend a college or university in the US or Canada that offers graduate programs in concrete design, materials, or construction. The V. Mohan Malhotra Fellowship is only available to an applicant majoring in concrete materials science research and the Stewart C. Watson Fellowship is only available to an applicant with a special interest in joints and bearings for concrete structures. Applications and further information may be obtained from:

ACI Concrete Research and Education Foundation
P.O. Box 9094
Farmington Hills, MI 48333

is offered to students that are enrolled or have completed an academic program focused on languages. The applicant must have a working knowledge of the language of the country in which he/she wishes to be appointed. The applicant must also be 21 years of age and be a US citizen.

国产伦理 Center for Bioelectronics: NIH T32 Graduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE) at 国产伦理 is accepting applications for its pre-doctoral program. The G-RISE at 国产伦理 is a student-focus program that provides its Ph.D. students with academic, professional and career development in the field of biomedical research. Please visit the for more information and to apply.

will award 900 new three-year Graduate Fellowships, including awards for women in engineering and computer and information science. The NSF aims to ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science, science, math, and engineering in the United States and to reinforce diversity. The Foundation welcomes applications from all qualified science, mathematics, and engineering students and strongly encourages women, minorities, and persons with disabilities to compete fully in this program. For more information call 703-306-1142.

is offering graduate teaching fellowships in K-12 education. This program provides fellowships and associated training that will enable graduate and advanced undergraduates in the sciences, mathematics, engineering, and technology to serve in K-12 schools as resources knowledgeable about both the content and applications of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. For more information call 301-947-2722.

Pamela Harriman Fellowships were created in 1998 honoring the US Ambassador to France Pamela Harriman. The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia sponsor the fellowships, with gifts from The Coca-Cola Foundation. The fellowships will provide funds for three students from US colleges to work in the American Embassies in Paris and London and in the Office of the Secretary of State in Washington, DC. " The Harriman Fellowships will allow students to deepen their insight into other cultures and become more aware of how they may best serve their country and community," said Mr. Earl T. Leonard, Jr. Senior vice president of The Coca-Cola Company. For more information contact William T. Walker, College of William and Mary at 757-221-2624.

The Samuel N. Alexander Doctoral Fellowship is awarded annually to a deserving student in order to assist and promote doctoral research in the utilization and development of computers and computer science. This fellowship is available to any candidate enrolled in a graduate program at a college or university in Maryland, Virginia, or Washington, DC. Preference is given to full time students. For more information contact The MITRE Corporation at

are being offered to candidates for the doctoral degree in any field of study. Dissertation topics must concern education. Through its fellowships, the Spencer Foundation seeks to encourage a new generation of scholars from a variety of fields to undertake research relevant to the improvement of education. Although the dissertation topic must concern education, applicants of any field of graduate study may apply. Successful applicants have conducted dissertation research topics as diverse as moral education in a Hasidic community to college enrollment of Whites and Asian Americans in the United States.

This fellowship is offered to individuals to support training and research in a host institution on the basic biology of protozoan, microalgal, and fungal species that are not generally considered to be model organisms. NSF offers research fellowships in biology to provide opportunities for recent doctoral scientists to obtain additional training, and to broaden their scientific horizons beyond their research in undergraduate or graduate training. For more information, contact Ms. Carter Kimsey at 703-306-1469.

Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship supports a yearlong cultural exchange and study abroad at the graduate level. Applicants must be attending a college within Southeastern Virginia or the Eastern Shore. They must have maintained a minimum GPA of 3.2, and most importantly seek to be ambassadors of goodwill to promote intercultural understanding. Anyone who has completed a bachelor's degree by May 2000 may apply. For more information contact

Jennings Randolph Fellowship Competitions offers two categories of award: Senior Fellowships are undertaken in Washington, D.C. ordinarily for 10 months. Fellows come from many backgrounds and they address a range of topics related to the understanding, management, and resolution of violent international conflict. There is no degree requirement, but most candidates have completed an undergraduate degree. The second award category, the Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowships, support the reading and writing of doctoral dissertations addressing the sources of international conflict and strategies to sustain peace. Questions concerning either of these two awards should contact the institute at 202-457-1700.

The Virginia Space Grant Consortium: National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program was created in 1988 to address scientific and technological workforce needs and the national decline in scholastic achievement, especially in math and science. A major goal of the VSGC is to help develop the engineers and scientists of the future. To learn more about this program contact the VSGC at or call 757-865-0726.