Administrative Services Librarian & Assistant Dean of Libraries
University Libraries

Stuart Frazer

NORFOLK, 23529

M.A. in Humanities, 国产伦理, (2005)

M.L.S. in Library Science, Rutgers University, (1989)

B.A. in Sociology, Tulane University, (1984)

University Procurement Certificate
Sponsoring Organization: 国产伦理
Date Obtained: 2018-11-01
Certificate in University Financial Management
Sponsoring Organization: 国产伦理
Date Obtained: 2018-05-01

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

"Resilient Communities" $500. Other. January 2020 - May 2020
Frazer, S. and Thorn, A. "Purchase of Fiction Literature books for Drain-Jordan Library" $2,000. Local. January 1992 - January 1993


Library Administration
Resource sharing, human resources, budget management, customer service

Research Interests

Human resources, recruiting, budget management, space planning and management, resource sharing, ILLiad interlibrary loan management system, Ex Libris' Alma/Primo integrated library system, collection development & collection assessment, customer service.


Frazer, S. (2002). Virginia geographic information system (GIS) programs and resources for libraries. Virginia Libraries 48 (3) , pp. 18-20.
Frazer, S. (2001). Are geographic information systems (GIS) a feasible service option for non-research libraries?. College and Undergraduate Libraries 8 (2) , pp. 1-16.
Morgan, P. and Frazer, S. (1999). Electronic -For- Print Journal Substitutions: a Case Study. Serials Review 25 (2) , pp. 1-7.
Frazer, S., Boone, K. W.., McCart, V. A. ., Prince, T. L.. and Rees, A. D.. (1997). Merging government information and the reference department: a team-based approach. Journal of Government Information 24 (2) , pp. 93-102.
Frazer, S. (1995). Subject access to internet resources. West Virginia Libraries 18 (April ) , pp. 4.
Frazer, S. (1994). Specialized accreditation: College library responses. College and Undergraduate Libraries 1 (1994) , pp. 105-125.
Frazer, S. (1994). Specialized accreditation and academic libraries. College and Research Libraries 55 (March ) , pp. 141-147.
Frazer, S. (1992). Impact of periodical cost escalation on small to medium-sized academic libraries: a survey. Journal of Academic Librarianship 18 (3) , pp. 159-162.


Frazer, S., Verdini, J. and Kinman, V. (July 17, 2009). Panel discussion on cost-cutting strategies. Eleventh VIVA ILL Forum Sweet Briar College.
Frazer, S. (July 18, 2008). Community Discussion on Best Practices: International ILL Tenth VIVA ILL Forum Sweet Briar College.
Frazer, S. and Teaff, E. (July 18, 2008). Where are we with Odyssey? Tenth VIVA ILL Forum Sweet Briar College.
Frazer, S. (July 13, 2007). Best Practices for Lending Non-Traditional Formats Ninth VIVA ILL Forum Sweet Briar College.
Frazer, S. and Teaff, E. (July 13, 2007). Odyssey Demonstration Ninth VIVA ILL Forum Sweet Briar College.
Frazer, S., Reed, C. and Rittelmeyer, P. (July 21, 2006). e-ILL Update & Discussion Eighth VIVA ILL Forum Sweet Briar College.
Frazer, S. (July 15, 2005). ILL & Collection Development : Bringing in Bibliographers and Selectors Seventh VIVA ILL Forum Sweet Briar College.
Frazer, S. (July 16, 2004). ILL User Surveys at 国产伦理 Sixth VIVA ILL Forum Sweet Briar College.
Frazer, S. (June 3, 2004). Managing Copyright Permissions Through Copyright Clearance Center VTC ILL Subcommittee meeting Hampton University.
Frazer, S. and Justis, J. (February 26, 2001). From Download to Data Crunch: Library and Web Data Resources Faculty Events at the Library series Norfolk, VA.
Frazer, S. (April , 2000). Census 2000: How Does it Affect You and Your Research Faculty Events at the Library series Norfolk, VA.
Frazer, S. (November 30, 1999). Beyond Data Tables: Using GIS to Map the Census Faculty Events at the Library series Norfolk, VA.
Frazer, S. (June 4, 1999). GIS and Maps Virginia Library Association Public Documents Forum Norfolk, VA.
Frazer, S., Allen, T., Savitzky, A. and Petersen, C. (March 15, 1999). Faculty Workshop on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Faculty Workshop on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Norfolk, VA.
Frazer, S. and Justis, J. (October 15, 1998). Public Documents, the Web and the Non-Documents Librarian VEMA/VLA 1998 Joint Conference Virginia Beach, VA.
Frazer, S. (June 5, 1998). Information Resources for Internationalizing the Curriculum 国产伦理 Teaching Across Borders Initiative Workshop Norfolk, VA.
Frazer, S. (March 20, 1998). Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) Resources for Research and Instruction Virginia Social Science Association Meeting Bridgewater, VA .
Frazer, S. (October 6, 1997). Library Resources Through the Internet Virginia Library Association Paraprofessional Forum for Paraprofessionals in Region III Norfolk, VA.
Frazer, S. (October 15, 1993). Mining the Internet West Virginia Library Association Conference Huntington, WV.
  • 2017: Librarian of the Year (co-recipient), 国产伦理 Libraries
  • 2004: Librarian of the Year, 国产伦理 Library
  • 1998: Librarian of the Year (co-recipient), 国产伦理 Library
  • 1991: Outstanding new Librarian in West Virginia, West Virginia Library Association Junior Members Round Table