Shahin Nayyeri Amiri
NORFOLK, 23529
Shahin holds his B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, second M.Sc. in Geotechnical Engineering and second Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics. He has considerable industrial experience. He has been involved in the design of residential, industrial and commercial high-rise buildings. He is familiar with several different design methodologies, various 3D analysis and design software, UBC, AISC, AASHTO and ACI codes. Up to now, he has done various researches in solid mechanics, soil mechanics, and fluid mechanics areas and the results of his studies have been disseminated as several international conference papers, journal articles, and two books.
Research Interests
My research interest is very diverse and generally covers several fields of Civil and Mechanical Engineering