Dr. Lynn L. Ridinger is a Professor of Sport Management. She has served in several administrative roles including UPD, GPD, and Department Chair. Her research interests focus on psychosocial factors associated with sport involvement, referee retention, and women’s sports. Dr. Ridinger’s publications appear in scholarly journals such as the Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review, Sport Marketing Quarterly, and the Journal of Amateur Sport. She is a NASSM Research Fellow and was a recipient of the NASSM Distinguished Sport Management Educator Award. Her teaching interests are in Sport Management & Leadership, Sport Ethics, and Sponsorship & Event Planning. Dr. Ridinger’s academic credentials include a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education from Central Michigan University, a master’s degree in Athletic Administration from Kent State University, and a doctoral degree in Sport Management from The Ohio State University. Prior to pursuing her doctorate, she worked as a high school athletic director and coach at Norfolk Academy.
Ph.D. in Sport Management, The Ohio State University, (1998)
M.A. in Athletic Administration, Kent State University, (1987)
B.S. in Physical Education, Central Michigan University, (1984)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Shapiro, S., Ridinger, L. L., Case, R., Reams, L. and Lyons, A. "A Profile of Visitors and Economic Impact for the 2015 AAU Junior Olympic Games" $10,000. Local. 2015 -
- Shapiro, S., Gomez, E., Hill, E. L. and Ridinger, L. L. "Profile and Economic Impacts of Visitors to Norfolk, Virginia" $46,188. January 2013 - December 2013
- Ridinger, L. L. "Why blow the whistle. Exploring the psychological connection of sports officials" $3,300. July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
- Ridinger, L. L., Funk, D. C. and Jordan, J. "Contract Grant for Research for on the Yuengling Shamrock Sportfest" $4,500. - 2007
Research Interests
Dr. Ridinger’s research interests focus on psychosocial factors associated with sport involvement, referee retention, and women’s sports.
- Tingle, J. K.., Jacobs, B. L.., Ridinger, L. L. and Warner, S. (2022). Female sports officials and mental health: The overlooked problem.. Journal of Sport Management 36 , pp. 383-393.
- Knott, S. E., Ridinger, L. L. and Makovec, K. (2017). Development of the national standards coaching efficacy scale. The Virginia Journal 38 (1) , pp. 4-6.
- Ridinger, L. L., Kim, K. R., Warner, S. and Tingle, J. K. (2017). Development of the Referee Retention Scale. Journal of Sport Management , pp. 1–36.
- Ridinger, L. L., Warner, S., Tingle, J. K.. and Kim, R. R.. (2017). Why referees stay in the game.. Global Sport Business Journal.
- Roxas, A. and Ridinger, L. L. (2016). Relationships of Coaching Behaviors to Student-Athlete Well-Being. Academic Perspectives in Higher Education 2 (1) , pp. 1.
- Ridinger, L. L. (2015). Contributors and Constraints to Involvement with Youth Sports Officiating. Journal of Amateur Sport 1 (2) , pp. 103–127.
- Wegner, C. E., Ridinger, L. L., Jordan, J. S. and Funk, D. C. (2015). Get serious: gender and constraints to long-distance running. Journal of Leisure Research 47 (3) , pp. 305.
- Shapiro, S., Ridinger, L. L. and Trail, G. T. (2013). An analysis of multiple spectator consumption behaviors, identification, and future behavioral intentions within the context of a new college football program. Journal of Sport Management 27 (2) , pp. 130–145.
- Shapiro, S., Ridinger, L. L. and Trail, G. T.. (2013). The impact of a new college football program: An analysis of spectator consumption behavior, identification, and future behavioral intentions.. Journal of Sport Management.
- Ridinger, L. L., Funk, D. C., Jordan, J. S. and Kaplanidou, K. Kiki. (2012). Marathons for the masses: Exploring the role of negotiation-efficacy and involvement on running commitment. Journal of Leisure Research 44 (2) , pp. 155.
- Kaplanidou, K., Jordan, J. S., Funk, D. and Ridinger, L. L. (2012). Recurring sport events and destination image perceptions: Impact on active sport tourist behavioral intentions and place attachment. Journal of Sport Management 26 (3) , pp. 237–248.
- Shapiro, S. and Ridinger, L. L. (2011). An analysis of donor involvement, gender, and giving in college athletics. Sport Marketing Quarterly 20 (1) , pp. 22.
- Beaton, A. A., Funk, D. C., Ridinger, L. L. and Jordan, J. (2011). Sport involvement: A conceptual and empirical analysis. Sport management review 14 (2) , pp. 126–140.
- Funk, D. C.., Jordan, J. S.., Ridinger, L. L. and Kaplanidou, K. (2011). Capacity of mass participant sport events for the development of activity commitment and future exercise intention. Leisure Sciences 33 (3) , pp. 250-268.
- Beaton, A. A.., Funk, D. C.., Ridinger, L. L. and Jordan, J. S. . (2011). Sport involvement: A conceptual and empirical analysis. Sport Management Review 14 (2) , pp. 126-140.
- Shapiro, S. and Ridinger, L. L. (2011). An analysis of donor involvement, gender, & giving in college athletics.. Sport Marketing Quarterly 20 (1) , pp. 22-32.
- Ridinger, L. L. (2011). An exploration of antecedents and outcomes of involvement with sports officiating. Oikonomia & Athlitismos 11 (1) , pp. 34-43.
- Jeon, J. and Ridinger, L. L. (2009). An examination of sport commitment of windsurfers. Journal of Sport Behavior 32 (3) , pp. 325.
- Ross, S. R., Ridinger, L. L. and Cuneen, J. (2009). Drivers to divas: Advertising images of women in motorsport. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 10 (3) , pp. 7–17.
- Redmond, M., Ridinger, L. L. and Battenfield, F. L. (2009). Website coverage of NCAA basketball: are women getting equal playing time?. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal 18 (1) , pp. 78–89.
- Ross, S. R.., Ridinger, L. L. and Cuneen, J. (2009). Drivers to divas: Advertising images of women in motorsports.. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 10 (3) , pp. 204-214.
- Ridinger, L. L., Funk, D. C. and others (2006). Looking at gender differences through the lens of sport spectators. Sport Marketing Quarterly 15 (3) , pp. 155.
- Funk, D. C., Ridinger, L. L. and Moorman, A. M. (2004). Exploring origins of involvement: Understanding the relationship between consumer motives and involvement with professional sport teams. Leisure Sciences 26 (1) , pp. 35–61.
- 2022: Mawson Scholar Speaker Series, University of Kansas
- 2018: Research Fellow, North American Society for Sport Management
- 2014: Most Collaborative Award, Darden College of Education
- 2013: Distinguished Sport Management Educator Award, North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM)
- 2011: Most Outstanding Teacher, Sport Management Association
- 2011: Top 20 in 20: Recognizing the Top 20 articles in Sport Marketing Quarterly’s first 20 years , Fitness Information Technology, publisher of SMQ
- 2008: Most Inspiring Faculty Award, Kelly G. Moore
- 2007: Kent City Schools Hall of Fame, Kent Board of Education
- 1997: Dorothy Harris Endowed Scholarship, Women's Sports Foundation
- 1997: Elsie Alberty Graduate Student Award, Ohio State University, College of Education
- 1996: Student Writing Award, Ohio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
- 1995: NCAA Women’s Enhancement Postgraduate Scholarship,