- Semenov, I., Grigoryev, S., Neuber, J. U., Zemlin, C., Pakhomova, O., Casciola, M. and Pakhomov, A. (2018). Excitation and injury of adult ventricular cardiomyocytes by nano- to millisecond electric shocks. Scientific Reports 8 , pp. 12.
- Pakhomov, A., Grigoryev, S., Semenov, I., Casciola, M., Jiang, C. and Xiao, S. (2018). The second phase of bipolar, nanosecond-range electric pulses determines the electroporation efficiency. Bioelectrochemistry 122 , pp. 123-133.
- Semenov, I., Casciola, M., Ibey, B. L., Xiao, S. and Pakhomov, A. (2018). Electropermeabilization of cells by closely spaced paired nanosecond-range pulses. Bioelectrochemistry 121 (January 2018).
- Francis, M. P.., Breathwaite, E., Bulsheva, A. A.., Varghese, F., Rodriguez, R. U.., Dutta, S., Semenov, I., Ogle, R., Huber, A., Tichy, A. M.., Chen, S. and Zemlin, C. (2017). Human placenta hydrogel reduces scarring in a rat model of cardiac ischemia and enhances cardiomyocyte and stem cell cultures. Acta Biomaterialia 52 , pp. 92-104.
Conference Proceeding
- Pakhomov, A., Semenov, I., Casciola, M. and Shu, X. (2017). Neuronal excitation and permeabilization by 200-ns pulsed electric field: An optical membrane potential study with fluovolt dye (pp. 1273-81) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes.