Angela Eckhoff
NORFOLK, 23529
Angela Eckhoff is a Professor of Teaching and Learning. She holds a dual PhD from the University of Colorado – Boulder in Educational Psychology and Cognitive Science.
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Eckhoff, A. "CCAMPIS ¹ú²úÂ×Àí" $543,090. Federal. October 2019 - October 2023
- Eckhoff, A. and Glasgow, J. "CCAMPIS ¹ú²úÂ×Àí" $284,372. Higher Education. October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017
- Sunday, K. E., Baker, P. and Eckhoff, A. "Early Childhood Symposium" $10,000. 2016 -
- Baker, P. and Eckhoff, A. "Virginia Early Childhood Policy Center" $145,000. - 2015
- Eckhoff, A., Baker, P., Glasgow, J. and Sunday, K. E. "Early Childhood Symposium" $10,000. 2014 -
- Glassgow, J. and Eckhoff, A. "¹ú²úÂ×Àí CCAMPIS" $284,372. - 2013
- Eckhoff, A. and Baker, P. "Virginia Early Childhood Policy Center" $226,000. - 2013
- Eckhoff, A. "Collaborative Support and Learning: An Early Childhood Teacher Learning Community" $5,000. - 2012
- Glassgow, J. and Eckhoff, A. "Play and Learn Together: Parents, Infants and Toddlers" $14,958. - 2012
- Eckhoff, A. "Teachers and Docents Learning in the Museum" $7,000. - 2012
- Spearman, M. and Eckhoff, A. "Object-centered practice as a means to facilitate classroom teacher aesthetic and cultural understandings in an era of sustainability" $2,520. - 2008
- Eckhoff, A. "Starting Small: An Early Childhood Artist-in-Residence Program" $3,475. - 2008
- Eckhoff, A. "Reaching out by going in: Working with local arts educators to develop an art education outreach program through Clemson’s Lee Gallery" $6,279. - 2007
- Stegelin, D., Correa, V. and Eckhoff, A. "Clemson University - Barnwell Early Childhood Education Initiative" $85,100. - 2006
- Eckhoff, A. "Developing an Art Education Outreach Program through Clemson's Lee Gallery" $2,200. - 2006
Research Interests
Areas of specialization and research include participatory research methods, imagination and creative development during childhood, informal learning environments for children and families, and early childhood policy.
- Tilhou, R., Eckhoff, A. and Rose, B. (2021). A Collective Impact Organization for Early Childhood: Increasing Access to Quality Care by Uniting Community Sectors. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION JOURNAL 49 (1) , pp. 111-123.
- Giblin, J., Stefaniak, J., Eckhoff, A. and Luo, T. (2021). An exploration of factors influencing the decision-making process and selection of academic help sources. JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN HIGHER EDUCATION 33 (1) , pp. 1-18.
- Malogianni, C., Luo, T., Stefaniak, J. and Eckhoff, A. (2021). An exploration of the relationship between argumentative prompts and depth to elicit alternative positions in ill-structured problem solving. ETR&D-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT.
- Eckhoff, A. and Goodman-Scott, E. (2021). School Counselors' Perceptions and Understandings of Lockdown Drills: Navigating the Paradox of Safety and Fear. EDUCATIONAL POLICY.
- Childress, D., Raver, S. A.., Eckhoff, A. and Lynch, S. Gear. (2021). Technology-mediated professional development for early intervention service providers: connecting adult learning with caregiver support. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN EDUCATION.
- Goodman-Scott, E. and Eckhoff, A. (2020). School Counselors' Experiences With Lockdown Drills: A Phenomenological Investigation. JOURNAL OF COUNSELING AND DEVELOPMENT 98 (4) , pp. 435-445.
- Sentz, J., Stefaniak, J., Baaki, J. and Eckhoff, A. (2019). How do instructional designers manage learners' cognitive load? An examination of awareness and application of strategies. ETR&D-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 67 (1) , pp. 199-245.
- Eckhoff, A. (2019). Public Displays of Children's Work in Early Learning and Elementary School Settings as Documentation of Children's Learning Experiences. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD 51 (1) , pp. 73-91.
- Tihou, R., Brittney, R. and Jane, G. (2018). Building Partnerships: The role of nonprofit organizations in supporting education diplomacy in early childhood.. Childhood Education 94 (3) , pp. 84-89.
- Eckhoff, A. (2018). Using on-site and virtual museum visits to build supportive arts experiences. Young Children.
- McClure, M., Tarr, P., Thompson, C. Marmé. and Eckhoff, A. (2017). Defining quality in visual art education for young children: Building on the position statement of the Early Childhood Art Educators. Arts Education Policy Review 118 (3) , pp. 154–163.
- Eckhoff, A. (2017). Images of Play Experiences Through a Child’s Lens: An Exploration of Play and Digital Media with Young Children. International Journal of Early Childhood 49 (1) , pp. 113–129.
- Eckhoff, A. (2017). Partners in Inquiry: A Collaborative Life Science Investigation with Preservice Teachers and Kindergarten Students. Early Childhood Education Journal 45 (2) , pp. 219–227.
- B, R. and Eckhoff, A. (2017). STEM Resources and Materials for Engaging Learning Experiences. Young Children 72 (1) , pp. 90-93.
- Eckhoff, A. (2016). NAEYC Governing Board and Leadership. Young Children , pp. 62.
- O'Hallarn, B., Eckhoff, A. and Seymore, D. (2016). Title IX Then and Now at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí: Listening for the Echoes. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport 9 (2) , pp. 226–246.
- Baker, P., Eckhoff, A., Miller-Stevens, K. and John, R. (2016). Virginia’s Early Childhood Home Visitation Programming: Support for.
- Eckhoff, A. (2015). Ethical considerations of children’s digital image-making and image-audiancing in early childhood environments. Early Child Development and Care 185 (10) , pp. 1617–1628.
- Hathcock, S., Dickerson, D. L., Eckhoff, A. and Katsioloudis, P. (2014). Scaffolding for Creative Product Possibilities in a Design-Based STEM Activity. Research in Science Education , pp. 1-22.
- Dickerson, D. L., Eckhoff, A., Stewart, C. O., Chappell Moots, S. and Hathcock, S. (2014). The examination of a pullout STEM program for urban upper elementary students. Research in science education 44 (3) , pp. 483–506.
- Eckhoff, A. (2013). Conversational pedagogy: Exploring interactions between a teaching artist and young learners during visual arts experiences. Early Childhood Education Journal 41 (5) , pp. 365–372.
- Linder, S. M., Eckhoff, A., Igo, L. B. and Stegelin, D. (2013). Identifying Influential Facilitators of Mathematics Professional Development: A Survey Analysis of Elementary School Teachers.. International Journal of Science & Mathematics Education 11 (6) , pp. 1424-1435.
- Urbach, J. and Eckhoff, A. (2012). Release the Dragon: the role of popular culture in children’s stories. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 13 (1) , pp. 27–37.
- Spearman, M. and Eckhoff, A. (2012). Teaching young learners about sustainability. Childhood Education 88 (6) , pp. 354–359.
- Eckhoff, A., Hallenbeck, A. and Spearman, M. (2011). A Place for the Arts: Lessons Learned from an Afterschool Art Experience with Reclaimed Materials.. Afterschool Matters 14 , pp. 40–47.
- Eckhoff, A. (2011). Art experiments: introducing an artist-in-residence programme in early childhood education. Early Child Development and Care 181 (3) , pp. 371–385.
- Eckhoff, A. (2011). Creativity in the early childhood classroom: Perspectives of preservice teachers. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 32 (3) , pp. 240–255.
- Benner, S. M., McCrary, D. E., Kim, H. Kyoung., Florez, I. Rose., Bekleyen, N. and Eckhoff, A. (2011). CrossRef citations Altmetric. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 32 (3).
- Eckhoff, A. (2011). Transformative Partnerships: Designing School-Based Visual Arts Outreach Programmes. International Journal of Art & Design Education 30 (2) , pp. 256–265.
- Eckhoff, A. (2010). Using Games to Explore Visual Art with Young Children. YC Young Children 65 (1) , pp. 18.
- Eckhoff, A. and Spearman, M. (2009). Rethink, reimagine, reinvent: The Reggio Emilia approach to incorporating reclaimed materials in children’s artworks. Art Education 62 (2) , pp. 10–16.
- Eckhoff, A. (2008). The importance of art viewing experiences in early childhood visual arts: The exploration of a master art teacher’s strategies for meaningful early arts experiences. Early Childhood Education Journal 35 (5) , pp. 463–472.
- Eckhoff, A. and Urbach, J. (2008). Understanding imaginative thinking during childhood: Sociocultural conceptions of creativity and imaginative thought. Early Childhood Education Journal 36 (2) , pp. 179–185.
- Eckhoff, A. and GUBERMAN, S. (2006). Children’s Art Viewing Experiences. Art Education 59 , pp. 5.
- Eckhoff, A. and Guberman, S. (2006). Daddy Daycare, Daffy Duck, and Salvador Dali: Popular culture and children’s art viewing experiences. Art Education 59 (5) , pp. 19-24.
- (2022). Embracing Alternatives to Homework in Early Childhood: Research and Pedagogies. . Routledge.
- (2019). Participatory Research with Young Children. Springer.
- (2018). Creative Investigations in Early Art. Gryphon House Press.
- (2018). Creative Investigations in Early Science. Gryphon House Press.
Book Chapters
- Linder, S. (2018). Using Observation to Build STEAM Experiences. Spotlight on Young Children – Observation and Assessment, (pp. 40-44) Washington DC: NAEYC.
- Eckhoff, A. (2014). Museum spaces as a provocation for learning Thinking Critically about Environments for Young Children: Bridging Theory and Practice (pp. 145-61) New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
- Eckhoff, A. and Nicholson, K. (2012). Valuing Contemporary Educators. In Davis Jr., O.L. & Spearman, M., (Eds.), A Century of Leadership: Biographies of Kappa Delta Pi Presidents Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers,.
- Caccamise, D., Frankze, M., Eckhoff, A., Kintsch, E. and Kintsch, W. (2007). Guided practice in technology-based summary writing. In McNamara, D., (Ed.) Reading comprehension strategies: Theories, interventions, and technologies (pp. 275-396) Hillsdale, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Conference Proceeding
- Green, K. Evan., Eckhoff, A., Rosenblith, S. and Walker, I. D. (2009). Extending the Reggio Emilia educational approach to creativity support environments Proceedings of the seventh ACM conference on Creativity and cognition (pp. 375–376).
- Eckhoff, A., Baker, P. and John, R. ( 2017). Elementary School Principals’ Perspectives on School Readiness: Perspectives, Implcations, and Policy Considerations Paper American Educational Research Association San Antonio, TX..
- Austin, N., John, R., Eckhoff, A. and Baker, P. ( 2017). Public School Discipline Policies and Practices in the United States: Implication for Early Childhood Classrooms Paper Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association San Antonio, TX.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2017). Practices surrounding the public audiancing of children’s work in elementary schools Paper Annual Meeting of the National Art Education Association New York, NY.
- Eckhoff, A. and Sunday, K. ( 2017). Loose Parts: Playful Inquiry and Exploration in the Visual Arts Paper The Virginia Association for Early Childhood Education Hampton, VA..
- Ruzzi, B. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2016). Multimodal Science Experiences in Preschool Classrooms: An Examination of Knowledge Building through Three Instructional Models Paper Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Washington, DC.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2016). The view from along the way: Exploring children's experiences through their photography and videos Paper Annual meeting of the NAEYC Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development Baltimore, MD.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2016). Investigating Virtual Art Programming for Children: Strategies for Meaningful Inclusion Paper Annual Meeting of the National Art Education Association Chicago, IL.
- Eckhoff, A. and Sunday, K. ( 2016). Materiality in Preschool Art Experiences Paper Inspiring Teachers Conference at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí Norfolk, VA.
- McClure, M., Coombs, A., Cinquemani, S. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2015). Image of the child as collaborator: The responsive educator as art making partner Paper Annual Meeting of the National Art Education Association New Orleans, LA.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2015). Through their own lens: Children’s views of childhood play Paper Annual Meeting of the National Art Education Association New Orleans, LA.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2015). Creativity and STEM Learning in Early Childhood Paper Symposium Presentation at the NAEYC Research Symposium at the National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development New Orleans, LA..
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2014). mages of school experiences though a child’s lens: A reflexive, micro-ethnographic inquiry Paper Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Philadelphia, PA.
- Williams, S. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2014). The Exhibition Experience in Early Childhood Paper Annual meeting of the National Art Education Association San Diego, CA..
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2014). Young children as researchers: A micro-ethnographic exploration of play space through visual media Paper Annual meeting of the National Art Education Association San Diego, CA.
- Baker, P., Austin, N. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2014). Policy Issues Affecting Young Children and Families in Virginia Paper the annual meeting of The Virginia Association for the Early Childhood Education Roanoke, VA.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2014). Cognition and the arts in early childhood Other The NYC Arts in Education Roundtable New York: New York.
- Eckhoff, A. and Baker, P. ( 2014). Current issues and trends with Virginia’s early childhood policy Paper The Virginia Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Norfolk, VA..
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2013). Supporting Novice Early Childhood Educators through a University-Based Teacher Learning Community Paper 2013 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association San Francisco, CA.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2012). Conversational Pedagogy: Exploring the Impact of Encouragement on Young Children’s Creative Experiences Paper Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Vancouver, BC.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2012). Influences on Preschool Arts Experiences: Planning, Expectations, and Teacher Knowledge Paper Annual meeting of the National Art Education Association New York, NY.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2011). Engaging the Youngest Museum Visitors: Virtual Art Learning Environments Paper Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association New Orleans, LA.
- Lowenski, M. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2011). Designing to support and inspire: Virtual arts experiences for children Paper Annual meeting of the National Art Education Association Seattle, WA..
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2011). Many voices, many cultures: Incorporating the art of contemporary artists in our classrooms Paper Annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children Orlando, FL.
- Eckhoff, A., Spearman, M. and Hallenback, A. ( 2010). A place for the arts: Lessons learned from an after-school art experience with reclaimed materials Paper Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Denver, CO.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2010). Early childhood preservice teachers’ beliefs about the role of creativity in the classroom Paper Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Denver, CO.
- Urbach, J. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2010). Release the dragon: The role of popular culture in children's stories Paper Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Denver, CO.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2010). Strengthening early childhood arts experiences through artist-in-residence programs Paper Annual meeting of the National Art Education Association Baltimore, MD.
- Eckhoff, A., Blackwell, S. B., Davis, T. and Waltman, T. ( 2010). Pre-service teachers’ understandings of the role of play and creativity in the early childhood classroom Paper TASP/IPA 2010 conference Atlanta, GA.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2010). Using games to explore visual art with young children Paper The Annual Meeting of the Georgia Association on Young Children Atlanta, GA..
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2009). Playful interactions in the visual arts: The care for artist-in-residence programs in early childhood classrooms Paper Annual meeting for The Association for the Study of Play Brownsville, TX.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2009). Art experiments: Introducing an artist-in-residence program in early childhood education Paper annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association San Diego, CA.
- Spearman, M. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2009). Educating young learners about sustainability: Possibilities and problems for multi-disciplinary approaches in Early Childhood and Elementary Education Poster Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association San Diego, CA.
- Spearman, M. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2009). Reclaim, renew, repurpose: Giving old objects new uses through art explorations Paper Annual meeting of the College and University Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies Atlanta, GA.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2009). Developing effective partnerships: Creating meaningful connections between galleries and classrooms through outreach programs Paper Annual meeting of the National Art Education Association Minneapolis, MN.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2009). Viewing art with young children: Building critical visual literacy skills Paper Annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children Washington, D.C..
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2008). Preservice teachers’ incorporation of digital photography and the visual arts in inquiry-based science experiences for young children Paper Annual meeting of the National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development New Orleans, LA..
- Urbach, J. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2008). Developing children's imaginative literacy through storytelling practices in early literacy and the visual arts Oral Presentation Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association New York, NY.
- Eckhoff, A. and Spearman, M. ( 2008). The role of the found object in art: A discussion of Reggio Emilia’s REMIDA Center Paper Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association New York, NY.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2008). Understanding educators’ views on the role of informal learning and outreach in the visual arts Paper annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association New York, NY.
- Jarrett, O., Atkins, L., Burlingame, H., Eckhoff, A., Norvell, B., Milsap, A., Reese-learned, H. and Scrupskelis, A. ( 2008). From research to advocacy: Research to inform advocates for the child right to play Other Annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Play Tempe, AZ.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2008). Playful science: The power of play in developing young children’s understandings of the natural worl Paper Annual meeting of The Association for the Study of Play Tempe, AZ..
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2008). What teachers want: Developing a visual arts outreach program with rural K-12 educators Oral Presentation Annual meeting of the National Art Education Association New Orleans, LA.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2008). The transformative power of the arts in education?: Why do we teach arts in teacher preparation programs ? Paper Teacher Education at a Crossroads: Examining the Transformative Power of the Arts and Humanities Savannah, GA..
- Spearman, M. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2008). Teaching about sustainability: Early childhood/elementary pre-service teachers and twenty-first century environmental issues Paper The College and University Assembly (CUFA) of the National Council for the Social Studies Houston, TX..
- Spearman, M. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2008). Transforming artifacts: Connecting Social Studies and Found Object Art Paper The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) annual meeting .
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2007). Teaching strategies for early arts education: Integrating art viewing and art making experiences Paper Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Chicago, IL.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2007). The relationship of the art learning environment to the development of children’s imaginative thinking Paper Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Chicago, IL..
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2007). Scaffolding visual literacy through play Paper Annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Play Rochester, NY.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2007). Appreciating and developing children’s imaginative thinking Annual meeting of the National Art Education Association New York, NY..
- Eckhoff, A. and Edmondson, E. ( 2007). Developing scientific thinking in a long-term science inquiry project: The collaborative journey between preservice teachers and early childhood students Paper Annual meeting of the National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development Pittsburgh, PA.
- Cadwell, H., Spearman, M., Wheat, B., Kapavik, R. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2007). Getting it Done and Moving Forward: The Dissertation Paper Kappa Delta Pi Biannual Convocation Louisville, KT.
- Spearman, M. and Eckhoff, A. ( 2007). Thinking green in social studies and the visual arts: Lessons from the REMIDA Center Oral Presentation The South Carolina Association of Teacher Educators Greenville, SC.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2006). Stimulating children with imaginative art-viewing and art-production experiences Paper Annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children Atlanta, GA.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2006). Thinking in and through art. PLAY Group (Preschool, Licensing and Youth Camps) Paper Colorado Parks and Recreation Association Boulder, CO..
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2006). Encouraging imaginative thinking through the arts Paper The South Carolina chapter of the National Association for the Education of Young Children Columbia, SC.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2005). Exploring the role of metacognition in educational technology Paper The annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Montreal, Canada.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2005). The cognitive and aesthetic benefits of giving young children extended and repeated viewing time Paper The annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Montreal, Canada.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2005). Children, aesthetics, and cognition Paper The annual meeting of the National Art Education Association Boston, MA.
- Cacamise, D., Kintsch, E., Franzke, M., Eckhoff, A. and Kintsch, W. ( 2005). Guided practice in technology-based summary writing Paper The Center for Cognitive Science and Educational Practice’s Reading Strategies Workshop at the University of Memphis Memphis, TN.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2005). Visual arts education and young children Paper The Denver Art Museum Denver, CO.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2004). Inspired by art: Introducing master artists and their work to young children. PLAY Group (Preschool, Licensing and Youth Camps) Paper Colorado Parks and Recreation Association Boulder, CO.
- Eckhoff, A. ( 2004). Metacognitive skill employment during Summary Street use: An LSA-based tutor Poster The annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse Chicago, IL.
- 2019: Teacher’s Choice Award – Preschool , Learning Magazine
- 2018: Preferred Choice Award, Creative STEM Books, Creative Child Magazine
- 2015: Safe Harbor Award, Children’s Harbor
- 2014: New Investigator or Contract Award , ¹ú²úÂ×Àí
- 2011: University Service Alliance Faculty Fellow, Clemson University
- 2008: Faculty Award - Consortium for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research on Human Opportunity Research, Clemson University
- 2005: Student Research Award - Institute for Cognitive Science , University of Colorado at Boulder
- 2004: Student Travel Award - Institute for Cognitive Science, Boulder, CO
- 2002: Academic Fellowship – School of Education, University of Colorado at Boulder