Department & Schools Chair Calendar

This calendar provides a list of specific actions required of the department/school chair throughout the calendar year as they are articulated in the 国产伦理 Teaching and Research Faculty Handbook (see the Handbook for further details). It is not intended to serve as an exhaustive list of all activities in which a department/school chair will be engaged throughout the calendar year. Chairs are encouraged to work with their deans to ensure they are meeting other deadlines for submission of materials, as appropriate to their department/school and college.

1/7 Faculty Seeking Promotion in Rank Post recommendation on promotion, with reasons, to the secure site and provide a copy of the recommendation to the faculty member.
Clinical Faculty Seeking Promotion

2/1 Nontenured Faculty Members in their First Year of Employment Submit an evaluation and recommendation concerning reappointment or non-reappointment to dean, including the department/school committee recommendation, providing a copy to the faculty member.
2/15 Nontenured Faculty Members Appointed at Mid-Year in their First Year of Employment

3/1 Annual Evaluation for Tenured Faculty Complete evaluation of faculty member providing copies to the dean and the faculty member. The evaluation will comment on the performance of the faculty member in teaching, research and service and on progress toward meeting individual goals resulting from previous evaluations.
3/15 Pre-Tenure Review Post comments concerning pre-tenure review to the secure site and provide a copy to the faculty member.

4/15 Faculty Seeking Tenure Mid-Year Post faculty member鈥檚 external evaluations to the secure site.
Tenured Faculty Serving as Chairs Submit review materials via the secure site to the college dean. These materials should include materials related to teaching, research and scholarly/creative activity, professional service, and a report on the accomplishment of agreed upon annual goals and objectives as chair.

5/8 Faculty Seeking Tenure Provide names of external reviewers to the dean.
5/15 Dean submits an agreed upon list of external reviewers to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. Upon final approval of the provost and vice president for academic affairs, the department/school chair initiates the review process.

6/1 Faculty Seeking Tenure Mid-Year Post recommendations on tenure to the secure site, if either the department/school committee or the department/school chair or both are recommending tenure and provide a copy of the recommendation to the faculty member.
Advise the faculty member, providing a copy to the dean and provost and vice president for academic affairs, if neither the department/school committee nor the department/school chair recommends tenure.
6/8 Faculty Seeking Promotion in Rank Provide the names of external reviewers to the dean.
6/15 Dean submits an agreed upon list of external reviewers to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. Upon final approval of the provost and vice president for academic affairs, the department/school chair initiates the review process.


8/1 Lecturers and Senior Lecturers Seeking Promotion Confirm and report applications for promotion to Senior Lecturer and Master Lecturer to the office of Academic Affairs.
8/8 Clinical Faculty Seeking Promotion Provide the names of external reviewers to the dean.
8/15 Clinical Faculty Seeking Promotion Dean submits an agreed upon list of external reviewers to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. Upon final approval of the provost and vice president for academic affairs, the department/school chair initiates the review process.
Clinical faculty member submits his or her research portfolio and curriculum vitae to be sent to external reviewers to department/school chair.

9/1 Faculty Seeking Tenure Post faculty member鈥檚 external evaluations to the secure site.
9/2 Nontenured Faculty Members and Faculty of Practice in the Second and Subsequent Years of Service Submit teaching portfolio review materials to the designated department/school evaluation committee.
9/8 Faculty Seeking Conversion of a Non-Tenure Eligible Position to a Tenure-Eligible Position Identify three external individuals to provide recommendations on the applicant's record of current research/creative work and future potential.

10/1* Tenured Faculty for Eminent Scholar Designation Convene department/school committee and ensure complete application packets are available for review.
10/1 Non-tenure-track and Non-tenured Faculty for University Distinguished Teacher Designation Conduct a secret ballot of the department/school full-time faculty members to select the nominees and forward the nominees who received a majority of the vote, including the votes, to the college dean.
10/2 Lecturers and Clinical Assistant Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Submit teaching portfolio review materials to the designated department/school evaluation committee.
10/2 Senior Lecturers and Master Lecturers and Clinical Associate Professors and Clinical Professors Undergoing a Teaching Portfolio Review but Not Undergoing an In-Depth Review
10/2 Senior Lecturers, Master Lecturers, Clinical Associate Professors, and Clinical Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Undergoing an In-Depth Review
10/3 Nontenured Faculty Members and Faculty of Practice in the Second and Subsequent Years of Service Submit materials from faculty member for evaluation to department/school committee.
10/15 Pre-Tenure Review for Faculty Appointed at Mid-Year Post comments concerning pre-tenure review to the secure site and provide a copy to the faculty member.
10/15 Faculty Seeking Tenure Post recommendation on tenure to the secure site, if either the department/school committee or the department/school chair or both are recommending tenure and provide a copy of the recommendation to the faculty member.
10/15 Faculty Seeking Promotion in Rank Post faculty member鈥檚 external evaluations to the secure site.
10/16 Faculty Seeking Tenure Advise the faculty member, providing a copy to the dean and provost and vice president for academic affairs, if neither the department/school committee nor the department/school chair recommends tenure.

11/1 Faculty Seeking Conversion of a Non-Tenure Eligible Position to a Tenure-Eligible Position Post recommendation on conversion of a non-tenure eligible position to tenure-eligible to the secure site.
Faculty Seeking Conversion from Lecturer Ranks to a Non-Tenure Eligible Clinical Track Position
11/3 Lecturers and Clinical Assistant Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Submit materials from faculty member for evaluation to department/school committee.
Senior Lecturers, Master Lecturers, Clinical Associate Professors, and Clinical Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Undergoing an In-Depth Review
11/8 Faculty Seeking Tenure Mid-Year Provide names of external reviewers to the dean.
11/10 Lecturers Seeking Promotion to Senior Lecturer and Senior Lecturers Seeking Promotion to Master Lecturer Submit recommendation on promotion to Senior Lecturer or Master Lecturer to the secure site.
11/15 Nontenured Faculty Members and Faculty of Practice in the Second and Subsequent Years of Service Submit an evaluation and recommendation concerning reappointment or non-reappointment to dean, including the department/school committee recommendation, providing a copy to the faculty member.
11/15* Tenured Faculty for Eminent Scholar Designation Conduct secret ballot of all tenured members in department/school on the nomination.
11/15 Clinical Faculty Seeking Promotion Post faculty member鈥檚 external evaluations to the secure site.
11/16 Nontenured Faculty in their First Year of Employment Submit teaching portfolio review materials to the designated department/school evaluation committee.

12/1 Senior Lecturers and Master Lecturers and Clinical Associate Professors and Clinical Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Not Undergoing a Teaching Portfolio Review (required every 3 years) or an In-Depth Review (required every 6 years) Submit an evaluation and recommendation concerning reappointment or non-reappointment to dean, providing a copy to the faculty member.
12/1 Senior Lecturers and Master Lecturers and Clinical Associate Professors and Clinical Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Undergoing a Teaching Portfolio Review (required every 3 years) But Not Undergoing an In-Depth Review (required every 6 years)
12/1 Senior Lecturers, Master Lecturers, Clinical Associate Professors, and Clinical Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Undergoing an In-Depth Review
12/1 Lecturers and Clinical Assistant Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Submit an evaluation and recommendation concerning reappointment or non-reappointment to dean, including the department/school committee recommendation, providing a copy to the faculty member.
12/1* Tenured Faculty for Eminent Scholar Designation Complete their independent evaluation and submit it, the department/school review letter and vote, and credentials to the dean.
12/17 Nontenured Faculty Members in their First Year of Employment Submit faculty member materials for evaluation to the department/school committee. [This is the 鈥渃hair pre-check" step in Monarch Workflow Manager.]

1/7 Faculty Seeking Promotion in Rank Post recommendation on promotion, with reasons, to the secure site and provide a copy of the recommendation to the faculty member.
Clinical Faculty Seeking Promotion

2/1 Nontenured Faculty Members in their First Year of Employment Submit an evaluation and recommendation concerning reappointment or non-reappointment to dean, including the department/school committee recommendation, providing a copy to the faculty member.
2/15 Nontenured Faculty Members Appointed at Mid-Year in their First Year of Employment

3/1 Annual Evaluation for Tenured Faculty Complete evaluation of faculty member providing copies to the dean and the faculty member. The evaluation will comment on the performance of the faculty member in teaching, research and service and on progress toward meeting individual goals resulting from previous evaluations.
3/15 Pre-Tenure Review Post comments concerning pre-tenure review to the secure site and provide a copy to the faculty member.

4/15 Faculty Seeking Tenure Mid-Year Post faculty member鈥檚 external evaluations to the secure site.
Tenured Faculty Serving as Chairs Submit review materials via the secure site to the college dean. These materials should include materials related to teaching, research and scholarly/creative activity, professional service, and a report on the accomplishment of agreed upon annual goals and objectives as chair.

5/8 Faculty Seeking Tenure Provide names of external reviewers to the dean.
5/15 Dean submits an agreed upon list of external reviewers to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. Upon final approval of the provost and vice president for academic affairs, the department/school chair initiates the review process.

6/1 Faculty Seeking Tenure Mid-Year Post recommendations on tenure to the secure site, if either the department/school committee or the department/school chair or both are recommending tenure and provide a copy of the recommendation to the faculty member.
Advise the faculty member, providing a copy to the dean and provost and vice president for academic affairs, if neither the department/school committee nor the department/school chair recommends tenure.
6/8 Faculty Seeking Promotion in Rank Provide the names of external reviewers to the dean.
6/15 Dean submits an agreed upon list of external reviewers to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. Upon final approval of the provost and vice president for academic affairs, the department/school chair initiates the review process.


8/1 Lecturers and Senior Lecturers Seeking Promotion Confirm and report applications for promotion to Senior Lecturer and Master Lecturer to the office of Academic Affairs.
8/8 Clinical Faculty Seeking Promotion Provide the names of external reviewers to the dean.
8/15 Clinical Faculty Seeking Promotion Dean submits an agreed upon list of external reviewers to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. Upon final approval of the provost and vice president for academic affairs, the department/school chair initiates the review process.
Clinical faculty member submits his or her research portfolio and curriculum vitae to be sent to external reviewers to department/school chair.

9/1 Faculty Seeking Tenure Post faculty member鈥檚 external evaluations to the secure site.
9/2 Nontenured Faculty Members and Faculty of Practice in the Second and Subsequent Years of Service Submit teaching portfolio review materials to the designated department/school evaluation committee.
9/8 Faculty Seeking Conversion of a Non-Tenure Eligible Position to a Tenure-Eligible Position Identify three external individuals to provide recommendations on the applicant's record of current research/creative work and future potential.

10/1* Tenured Faculty for Eminent Scholar Designation Convene department/school committee and ensure complete application packets are available for review.
10/1 Non-tenure-track and Non-tenured Faculty for University Distinguished Teacher Designation Conduct a secret ballot of the department/school full-time faculty members to select the nominees and forward the nominees who received a majority of the vote, including the votes, to the college dean.
10/2 Lecturers and Clinical Assistant Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Submit teaching portfolio review materials to the designated department/school evaluation committee.
10/2 Senior Lecturers and Master Lecturers and Clinical Associate Professors and Clinical Professors Undergoing a Teaching Portfolio Review but Not Undergoing an In-Depth Review
10/2 Senior Lecturers, Master Lecturers, Clinical Associate Professors, and Clinical Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Undergoing an In-Depth Review
10/3 Nontenured Faculty Members and Faculty of Practice in the Second and Subsequent Years of Service Submit materials from faculty member for evaluation to department/school committee.
10/15 Pre-Tenure Review for Faculty Appointed at Mid-Year Post comments concerning pre-tenure review to the secure site and provide a copy to the faculty member.
10/15 Faculty Seeking Tenure Post recommendation on tenure to the secure site, if either the department/school committee or the department/school chair or both are recommending tenure and provide a copy of the recommendation to the faculty member.
10/15 Faculty Seeking Promotion in Rank Post faculty member鈥檚 external evaluations to the secure site.
10/16 Faculty Seeking Tenure Advise the faculty member, providing a copy to the dean and provost and vice president for academic affairs, if neither the department/school committee nor the department/school chair recommends tenure.

11/1 Faculty Seeking Conversion of a Non-Tenure Eligible Position to a Tenure-Eligible Position Post recommendation on conversion of a non-tenure eligible position to tenure-eligible to the secure site.
Faculty Seeking Conversion from Lecturer Ranks to a Non-Tenure Eligible Clinical Track Position
11/3 Lecturers and Clinical Assistant Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Submit materials from faculty member for evaluation to department/school committee.
Senior Lecturers, Master Lecturers, Clinical Associate Professors, and Clinical Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Undergoing an In-Depth Review
11/8 Faculty Seeking Tenure Mid-Year Provide names of external reviewers to the dean.
11/10 Lecturers Seeking Promotion to Senior Lecturer and Senior Lecturers Seeking Promotion to Master Lecturer Submit recommendation on promotion to Senior Lecturer or Master Lecturer to the secure site.
11/15 Nontenured Faculty Members and Faculty of Practice in the Second and Subsequent Years of Service Submit an evaluation and recommendation concerning reappointment or non-reappointment to dean, including the department/school committee recommendation, providing a copy to the faculty member.
11/15* Tenured Faculty for Eminent Scholar Designation Conduct secret ballot of all tenured members in department/school on the nomination.
11/15 Clinical Faculty Seeking Promotion Post faculty member鈥檚 external evaluations to the secure site.
11/16 Nontenured Faculty in their First Year of Employment Submit teaching portfolio review materials to the designated department/school evaluation committee.

12/1 Senior Lecturers and Master Lecturers and Clinical Associate Professors and Clinical Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Not Undergoing a Teaching Portfolio Review (required every 3 years) or an In-Depth Review (required every 6 years) Submit an evaluation and recommendation concerning reappointment or non-reappointment to dean, providing a copy to the faculty member.
12/1 Senior Lecturers and Master Lecturers and Clinical Associate Professors and Clinical Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Undergoing a Teaching Portfolio Review (required every 3 years) But Not Undergoing an In-Depth Review (required every 6 years)
12/1 Senior Lecturers, Master Lecturers, Clinical Associate Professors, and Clinical Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Undergoing an In-Depth Review
12/1 Lecturers and Clinical Assistant Professors (Beyond Their First Year of Employment) Submit an evaluation and recommendation concerning reappointment or non-reappointment to dean, including the department/school committee recommendation, providing a copy to the faculty member.
12/1* Tenured Faculty for Eminent Scholar Designation Complete their independent evaluation and submit it, the department/school review letter and vote, and credentials to the dean.
12/17 Nontenured Faculty Members in their First Year of Employment Submit faculty member materials for evaluation to the department/school committee. [This is the 鈥渃hair pre-check" step in Monarch Workflow Manager.]